Orphan Train

Orphan Train, a best-selling novel by Christina Baker Kline, features an unlikely friendship between a girl in foster care and 90+ year old Vivian.  A community service position helping the widow clean out her attic is meant to keep Molly out of juvie for the theft of...

Coincidence, coincidence

I got a phone call this morning from a stranger. She introduced herself as Ina. She had just finished reading The Medal, a Christmas gift from her grand-daughter. She told me how much she enjoyed the book, and asked me a question about the acknowledgments. She had...


Sgt James Locke got quite a surprise this morning when he walked into the conference room of his Ontario Provincial Police detachment. Not only were his colleagues there, but his wife and daughters had also come to see him feted. The surprise gathering was organized...

The books have arrived!!

I was sitting on the sun porch talking on the phone to my sister when there was a knock at the door. A Purolator man informed me he had twelve boxes for me. I must have looked surprised. “Didn’t you know about it?” he asked. Then I started to grin....