About Laurie
- Laurie Ness Gordon Reading in the Library
Who knew that buying a drum could lead to a writing career? That’s what happened to Laurie Ness Gordon. That djembe started a chain of events that created a novelist. Of course she’d written things all her life: letters, plays, French-Canadian style poetry, school stuff, but the necessities of living got in the way of focusing seriously on writing – until she retired. Then that drum entered the picture.
The next thing you know, Laurie was writing articles, web text, promotional materials, short stories and finally novels.
Her work has been published in variety of newspapers and in magazines such as Fusion and Women and Environments International. In 2014, her contemporary coming-of-age novel, The Medal was published, followed in 2023, by Finding Home, historical fiction, set in the 1870s.
Can’t figure out how to connect the dots between a djembe and a writing career? You’ll have to ask Laurie to find out.
Short Bio
Laurie Ness Gordon lives on a waterfront property north of Kingston, Canada. She has worked as an educator, consultant, workshop presenter and writer. Her articles and short stories have appeared in newspapers and magazines in Canada and England. In 2014, her debut novel, The Medal, was published, followed in 2023 by Finding Home. Laurie spent several years as a volunteer Project Manager for a touring art exhibition and is currently supporting refugee families. She enjoys making music, travelling, swimming, shoveling snow and being ‘productive’. Her favourite holiday memory is a 5-week motorcycle trip across Canada.
The Writers' Union of Canada
The Writers’ Union of Canada (TWUC) is a national organization representing professionally published writers. Established in 1973, TWUC collaborates with governments, publishers, booksellers, and readers to enhance the working conditions of Canadian writers. With a membership exceeding 2,800, TWUC champions the collective interests of writers and provides value through advocacy, community-building, and access to resources and information.
Writing Credits - Books
- Finding Home, Laurie Ness Gordon, Ruth Burke Allen, 2023, LauraL Press
- The Medal, Laurie Ness Gordon, 2014, Borealis Press
- Beautiful Women Project: The Book, Second edition, Cheryl-Ann Webster, Laurie Gordon, 2009, Henderson Press
- Beautiful Women Project: The Book, Cheryl-Ann Webster, Laurie Gordon, 2008, Lulu.com
Writing Credits - Magazines
- Vista, July 2021, Beer and Oysters pp. 9-10
- Vista, March 2020, Winter Encounter, p. 5
- Vista, July 2018, Canada Day Reprise, pp. 16-17
- Vista, November 2016, Recruit. p. 16
- Vista, June 2014, Selective Hearing, p. 12
- Real Women London, September 2007, Beauty inside and out, p. 36
- Women and Environments International, No. 72/73 – Fall/winter 2006, The Beautiful Women Project – Art as Teaching and Healing, pp. 48-50
- Cahoots, Autumn 2006, The Beautiful Women Project – Two Women’s Journeys, pp. 24-27
- STEPS, Winter 2005, (Lancaster U.K.) The Beautiful Women Project, p. 15
- Moxi Femme, Issue 2, March/April 2005, Sculpting Beauty, pp.14-15. 37
- Fusion – A magazine for Clay and Glass, Vol. 29 No. 2, Spring 2005, The Beautiful Women Project, pp. 18-20
Writing Credits - Newspapers
- The Scoop, August/September 2015, Old Newburgh Academy solves a dilemma, p. 20
- The Scoop, Dec. 2013/Jan. 2014 issue, Snug Harbour, p. 8
- Shoreline Beacon, Tuesday August 2, 2011, Beautiful Women to invade Southampton, p.16
- St Lawrence EMC, Thursday, October 22, 2009, Gananoque Woman wins prestigious award, p. 26
- St Lawrence EMC, Thursday, May 7, 2009, Opening of Beautiful Women Project a success, p. 35
- The Humm, November 2006, Nancy Green’s Fragments and Shorelines, p. 14
- The Humm, May, 2005, Local artist celebrates nature in new exhibition, p.17
- The Humm, January 2005, Challenging Media Images of Women’s Beauty, p.4
Writing Credits - Copywriting
- Cornwall Regional Art Gallery, August 2007, There and Back – An Artist’s Journey
- Ramsay Media, Feb. 2007, Video Script: Beautiful Women Project
- TODAY, Breast Cancer Action Kingston newsletter, Volume 12 (2) Spring 2006, The Beautiful Women Project – Reprise
- TODAY, Breast Cancer Action Kingston newsletter, Volume 12 (2) 2005, The Beautiful Women Project
- Hands in Clay Newsletter of the Ottawa Guild of Potters, January 2005, Ottawa Sculptor Challenges Media Images of Beauty
- Beautiful Women Project brochures, rack cards
- Press releases
Bits and Pieces
Hello out there!

You ate a groundhog?

Such language!


Biker Chick