When is enough enough?

When Borealis Press requested my novel, I had to make a decision about the ending. For months I had considered writing a different one. I like happy endings, but I think the new last chapter creates better dramatic irony. Now I have to send the manuscript to the...

July 7, 2014 – a great day

July 7th -the day I heard that Borealis Press wants to publish my novel, The Medal. My roller coaster ride with Borealis began in February. On one of my crazy-busy Tuesdays, I rushed home at 5:30 pmĀ  to change out of my yoga clothes and get ready to pick up my...


When some people write, they dump all their words on the page until they exhaust their ideas. It’s an intense, uninterrupted process. Not me. I write a paragraph or two (sometime just a sentence) and then I review: there’s a better word here; I need more...

What a surprise!

In the summer, a writing contest was announced in a locally published newspaper. Poetry or prose entries were accepted as long they they illustrated rural life. I had previously written a short story that fit the theme, so I rewrote it to the 750-word limit, and...