Where Fact Meets Fiction

On September 26th, I had the pleasure of presenting Where Fact Meets Fiction at the Perth Union Library. Participants heard the benefits of historical fiction and learned how fictitious characters are woven into real events to create an engaging narrative. They were...

September 11, 2001

As principal, I had just reassured anxious parents that their kindergarteners would have a wonderful first day of school. I was on my way back to the office when the head caretaker asked me if I had heard the news: a plane had just slammed into the North Tower of the...

Time Travel

Petticoats and long dresses, buttons and boots, hair nets and hats. On the Saturday of Labour Day weekend, I was treated to a behind-the-scenes look at the Costuming Department at Upper Canada Village when I donned an outfit that might have been taken out of Finding...