The books have arrived!!

I was sitting on the sun porch talking on the phone to my sister when there was a knock at the door. A Purolator man informed me he had twelve boxes for me. I must have looked surprised. “Didn’t you know about it?” he asked. Then I started to grin....

Stories from the cemetery

There’s an old church and cemetery around the corner up the road. On our way back from our walk a few days ago, John and I wandered around the gravestones – some dating back to the mid 1800’s – some as recent as a three weeks ago. I found the...

The page proofs have arrived

The proofs have arrived! It’s pretty exciting to see what The Medal will look like in book form. I’ve spent the last couple of days going over each page to check for errors or changes. My husband saw me moving my pencil from word to word and asked why I...

When is enough enough?

When Borealis Press requested my novel, I had to make a decision about the ending. For months I had considered writing a different one. I like happy endings, but I think the new last chapter creates better dramatic irony. Now I have to send the manuscript to the...

July 7, 2014 – a great day

July 7th -the day I heard that Borealis Press wants to publish my novel, The Medal. My roller coaster ride with Borealis began in February. On one of my crazy-busy Tuesdays, I rushed home at 5:30 pm  to change out of my yoga clothes and get ready to pick up my...