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Until the Day We Die – Congratulations, Jockie.

Until the Day We Die – Congratulations, Jockie.

Tea and my newly-arrived book, Until the Day We Die by Jockie Loomer-Kruger. What could be better? Jockie's first book, Valley Child - A Memoir, was self-published in 2016 when she was 80. In it, photos of 33 of her folk-art pieces accompany stories about growing up...

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Native speakers of a language usually use adjectives in the correct order, but what if you are trying to explain the rule to a non-native speaker. It turns out that adjectives in English must be in this order: opinion-size-shape-colour-origin-material-purpose Noun....

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Inspiration sometimes comes from interesting sources. When sorting through my library recently, I came across a novel that I've kept since my teaching days: Invitation to the Game. Part of the inspiration for my novel, The Medal, came from this book by the late Monica...

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Can you read this?

Can you read this?

Years ago i enrolled in a Recreation Leadership Course at Algonquin College. One of the requirements was learning to communicate in different ways, depending on people’s needs. I chose the deaf community and took a sign language course. I found it a challenge but I...

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Reading in the Hammock

One of the pleasures of country living is reading in the hammock. The day was warm with a hint of a breeze and the sun was sparkling on the lake. I was reading Lady Franklin of Russell Square, an epistolary novel by Erika Behrisch Elce, published by Stonehouse...

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A Conversation with Louise Penny

A Conversation with Louise Penny

Yesterday afternoon I had the pleasure of viewing Louise Penny discuss her writing and her new book, All the Devils are Here via Zoom with Eric Friesen – he in Kingston, Ontario; she in her flat in London, UK. Although fans are familiar with three Pines, the little...

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Another COVID Project

Another COVID Project

Some happy news during this dismal COVID lockdown is that my nephew and his wife recently had a baby girl. The gift I bought for her arrived in a large box which was punctured by the delivery company. Fortunately, the high chair inside wasn’t damaged. Wrapping such a...

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